11 replies »

  1. Two beauties there.The tang is a glorious colour. The other fish doesn’t look as though he’s very forgiving if you’re late with lunch.
    xxx Huge Hugs xxx

    • Thank-you! He’s a Hawkfish. He likes to perch on the rocks and plummet down onto his food. He’s a funny little fellow. I’ve had both of them for about 5 years. The Tang likes to change colors, he gets very pale when he is mad at me (late for dinner – those kind of things).

    • There you are!!! I was just about to head over to your blog because I hadn’t heard from you in several days. Well, at least I haven’t started saying I’m fixing to do things and talking about grinning like a jackass eating briars and something else about pissing on flat rocks but I never really did understand that saying.

      • “Grinning like a jackass eating briars”

        Now there’s one I haven’t heard, ha!

        I was just thinking the same of you and popped over!

      • And there I be!!! How about ‘cold as a well-digger’s butt in Montana’, that’s another one we hear a lot around here. Or here is another one – I was so poor I couldn’t even pay attention. Can’t remember anymore.

      • No…I do recall my grandmother (seriously) referring to someone else as being so poor that she reused tea bags and coffee grounds.

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