U – Universe: A Boring One

parallel univers

Again, I am making deals with my sons.  Tonight, the deal was with my youngest.  I would tidy up his bed, and go get dinner from the Barbecue place (miles away from here) and he would write a post on his thoughts about why our universe sucks.

Here is my youngest. The floor is yours……..

The reason our universe sucks is partly due to the fact that we are confined by all sorts of laws. We have to put up every day with laws of nature, physics, gravity, and a million other laws that make us less able to do things we think and dream about. I mean, I’m sure we all wish we could just jump in the air and start flying or even be invisible.

On to my second point. According to scientists we have unlimited parallel universes and each one is different from the other in some way. Now why did we get stuck in the one confined by all these rules and laws? Heck we don’t even have dragons or giants or magic. I would love to be able to go to school and learn spells instead of trigonometry. We can’t do anything cool in our universe, we just have to be born, go to school, get a job, work until we are half dead, then live out our lives however the economy will let us, and finally die. I might not even go to heaven, maybe our parallel universe might not have one. These are just a few of the painfully true reasons our universe sucks.

Yours truly, SD’s youngest.

19 replies »

    • I waited for my son to write a comment on this. I did tell him about it. He said it would be totally cool if there were dragons that might potentially consume him, because in a world with dragons he would have some “bomb” super-powers which would smite the dragon, and maybe he could go into invisibility mode. Either way, it would be an exciting Universe to live in.

      • That is very true. I try to tell him sometimes boring is good, but he is a teenager…with a mind of his own.

      • I let my teens have a lot of freedom. I figure if they can make all the really big screw ups before they’re 18 nothing will be on their permanent adult record. Bwah ha ha. Funny thing is when I stopped controlling and also stopped preventing natural consequences I learned that teens are smarter than we give them credit for. The best way to learn the consequences of living outside the rules is to sample it firsthand

      • Very, very true. I have let my kids know how I think about the things they want to do, but have always let them make their own decisions. I always vowed I would never say ‘my house, my rules’, because I can’t think of any faster way to alienate and shut out a teenager.

      • Absolutely. Perhaps we are living in cooler parallel universe than everyone else and we just don’t know it.

  1. I know the topic is about why the universe sucks, and there are some very good (and funny) points. But, there is a flip side to everything and a reason why the universe is great, too.There might be a universe where we’d just be a slug, or we might be an ant that some kids is burning with magnifying glass. Or, we could be Eloi being eaten by Morlocks. That’s a reference to the novel The Time Machine, in case anyone missed it. 😉 It’s all a matter of which side of the ‘flip’ we decide to focus on, and the universe will respond in kind.

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