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Love-Hate Challenge

Anxious Mom has nominated me for the Love-Hate Challenge.  I am supposed to write down 10 things I love, 10 things I hate and nominate 10 bloggers for the challenge.

10 Things I Love

  1. My family – my lovely boys, my husband, my parents and my brother.
  2. Maxie (The Tufted Ear Bird Dog) and his trusty companion – Mikey.
  3. Early summer mornings on the patio when everything is cool and quiet.
  4. Coming home from work at the end of a long day – all the worries are left on the front doorstep.
  5. Chocolate mousse (Julia Childs’ recipe)
  6. The smell of dirt when digging in the garden
  7. Rain
  8. Dinner on the table (that I didn’t cook)
  9. Empty laundry baskets
  10. Clean and tidy house

10 Things I Hate

  1. Cell phone companies (watch out for an entire post on this issue)
  2. Cable companies
  3. Late patients that don’t apologize for their tardiness
  4. Being asked “When is dinner going to be ready?” when I am busting my butt in the kitchen and everyone else is laying around doing nothing.
  5. People that talk and talk and talk and never stop.
  6. Full laundry baskets and no one has made any attempt to start the laundry but yet complain they have no clean clothes to wear.
  7. The squeaking of Styrofoam in the summer
  8. Summer days when the temperature is over 105 degrees – stuck inside
  9. Car trouble
  10. People that take themselves way too seriously.

And my 10 nominees are (Please do not feel pressured to participate, just know that I really enjoy your blog):

  1. Baffled Baboon
  2. Anchors and Butterflies
  3. Biologynerdd
  4. Flip Flops Everyday
  5. Four Camels and a Coffee To Go
  6. Manee Trautz
  7. Nihongojapango
  8. Reviews by Bethany
  9. Oldest Daughter and Red Headed Sister
  10. Solveig Werner

Thanks to for the photo.

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