Working with Christmas Cheer

I am pretty much a Humbug.  I hate Christmas shopping, and I wait until the very last minute to get it done.  I buy Christmas cards with good intentions, but never send them out.  I have a drawer full of Christmas cards I have bought over the years.  Having a Christmas tree in the living room makes me anxious, because it seems untidy, but I do like the sparkliness at night, when the lights are on, and the ornaments glitter.

However, there is one aspect of Christmas that I really, really love and that is the Christmas cheer I encounter at work.  I work in a wonderful Children’s Hospital and at Christmas, it is so exciting because of all the genuine Christmas cheer showered upon the patients.  The Child Life playroom bulges with donated Christmas presents, the large room is filled from floor to ceiling with presents for the kids.

And we have so many visitors, bringing presents to the patients.  Santa comes in, riding on a firetruck, in a convoy of Policemen in their police cars, and Highway Patrol on their motorbikes.  We can hear them from miles away, driving down the avenue, into the main road leading to the hospital.  Their lights are on, the sirens are going – it is so exciting.  The policemen park their bikes and cars, and walk through the halls with their shiny boots squeaking on the glistening tile floors, visiting all the children and giving them presents.  I love it.

Several days ago, I bumped into some Storm Troopers, and other characters from Star Wars in the halls, while I was doing my rounds.  The patients were thrilled, the staff stopped working for just a minute and I (the Humbug) was even excited, because it was just so darn cool!!!!!  Christmas is the best at my work, especially when seen through the eyes of a child!!!!!


Please note – Even Storm Troopers practice good hand hygiene ( observe Storm Troopers applying antibacterial gel)!

16 replies »

    • It really does, there are so many good people out there, but sometimes we can’t just can’t see them through the throngs of self-interested, “me-me-me” people.

    • It is this time of year, when my faith in humanity is renewed. But as soon I step into the malls, I realize it is only a small section of the population that still has a grasp on what Christmas is really about. I can’t wait to see who comes to visit the patients this week!!!!

    • I know. It is so heart-warming and really downright cool to see all the people that come and visit. Even a grumpy bastard like myself can’t help but get excited about the Christmas season.

    • Thank-you my friend!!!! I wish I could show you how the kids faces light up, when the visitors come to their rooms. Many of our kids come from families struggling just to eat, and for them, this Christmas cheer and presents may be all they receive this season. We hand out homemade quilts, made by ladies’ groups and hand-knitted hats, which are so scrumptiously soft. Considering what we do each day, and the sad situations we face at times, it is so cool to be able to put a smile on a child’s face.

    • I agree. Sometimes you just have to look past all the badly behaved people to see it. But Christmas cheer is everywhere – except in the malls and at the stores.

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