Global Warming – It’s All About The Sunspots

For several years now, we have been barraged by constant stories of how global warming will destroy our planet. We are forever being made to feel bad about what we are doing to our planet, and how we must decrease our carbon footprint, use solar, reduce waste, minimize carbon dioxide output in an effort to stave off the impending devastation of what many perceive as man-made global warming.

I have been doing research for my book, presently entitled Dreaming Through Time. It is a story of three boarding school girls and their time travelling experiences with an Ancient Aborigine. And in the process of doing this research, I have learned some really interesting things. One of the things that has really tripped me up, are the stories told of a time when the seas rose, the earth became very warm, followed by the seas receding and the very cold temperatures, where food became scarce and survival was a struggle. And so I wondered, and thought to myself, why did this happen? There were no cars, or factories, or much agriculture, so why should the earth go through these cycles. And with the help of my Dad, he and I began studying the cyclical warming and cooling events which have occured throughout the world’s history.

What if this “cataclysmic” warming of the earth, the media continually reports and predicts, would have happened with or without our cars, our factories, and our agricultural activities? What if the media is only giving us one side of the story, and isn’t giving us the scientific information and data – because it doesn’t support the side of the story they want us to know, and believe? And here we are, all running around, installing solar panels, driving electric cars, and scrambling to minimize our individual carbon footprints – and still the earth will warm despite our efforts, because that is what it has done for millions of years. No one is listening to the scientists, the guys that study this stuff. Because they say global warming has very little to do with what we as humans are doing to the world, and has everything to do with cyclical waxing and waning of sun spots.

And honestly, thinking about all of this – I don’t think the air quality or the state of the world is getting worse. I remember when the air quality used to be really horrific, back in the 70s, when everyone drove around in gas-guzzling cars that spewed out brown clouds of exhaust. I remember the acid rain, and the way it blackened the building and scarred the trees. How is it that no one remembers how bad the air was back then? Or is it just convenient to forget all of that, since we are all now on the “global warming” bandwagon.

Yes – the earth is warming (or actually it was warming), but if you read the scientific literature, it is not for the reason we are made to believe it is. The number of sunspots can increase and then decrease in cycles. And this is where the Maunder Minimum comes in. The Maunders were a married couple and both of them were solar astronomers. They studied sunspots, or actually lack of sunspots. From their studies, it was determined that during a time of few sunspots, the earth’s temperatures would drop significantly, so much so, the earth would experience an Ice Age. The last such period of global cooling occured between 1645 and 1715 when the world experienced a “Mini Ice Age”. This is referred to as the Maunder Minimum. And this is all very simply stated, because according to my Dad it is much more complicated and also has to do with the solar magnetosphere, and the albedo effect of the earth, bouncing the sun’s radiance away from it and all kinds of other really complex processes, that my brain can’t grasp. Bottom line though – is we are not being given the whole story about global warming – not by a long shot.

Scientists have recently noticed a significant decrease in the number of sunspots and are predicting the earth’s temperature will start dipping. Will it dip as much as it did in the last “Mini Ice Age”, when the River Thames and the Baltic Sea froze over? It’s hard to say. The scientists say it will be soon. Presently the temperatures have peaked and are beginning the downhill descent.

Now – the other thing we need to consider is the Milankovitch Cycles – I hadn’t heard of these until my Dad and I started talking about Maunder Minimums. Milankovicth was a Serbian astronomer who had some thoughts on how the earth rotates, and is positioned in reference to the sun. And this affects the seasons we experience, and the earth’s climate. He devised three cycles, Eccentricity, Axial Tilt and Precession. Eccentricity refers to whether the earth is revolving around the sun in a perfect circular motion, or in an elliptical motion. When in an elliptical rotation, at points, the earth is much further away from the sun, increasing the difference in seasons. The Axial Tilt refers to how the earth is spinning and at where it lies in its plane of orbit, tilt towards, or away from the sun, so the North and South Poles are never really at the very top or at the very bottom of the earth, and actually move quite a bit. Precession is how much the earth is wobbling as it rotates. And the most frequently used analagy is to compare the earth’s orbit to a top that is spinning slower and slower and begins to wobble. If you are really interested in the Milankovitch Cycles, below is a video explaining in it in very simple terms.

What does the Maunder Minimum have to do with Milankovitch Cylces. Well, it seems to me, one could have the “perfect storm” if certain cycles coincided with the Maunder Minimum – such as a greater Axial Tilt, a greater wobble, and an elliptical shaped rotation of earth around the sun. In that case, the sun spots would be non-existent, and earth’s ability to absorb the sun’s energy would be minimized because of the increased distance it is away from the sun (and cloud cover, and magnetosperes, and all kinds of other complicated things). If all three of these happened simultaneously, would it throw us into a Mini Ice Age – sounds like it might.

If one takes the time to read some of the science (real science) out on the Internet – it sounds like we are ramping up for such an event (a cooling event) – possibly within the next 1-10 years, and it could last for at least 50 years. I wonder what kind of little double step dance the proponents of a “Man-made Global Warming Catastrophe” will do, to get themselves out of that?

The Australian Aborigines have been around long enough to witness and live through periods of intense cold, and unbearable heat (which was not because of a man-made global warming). They have passed down their stories of sea level changes, and signifcant temperature changes, famine, and struggling during these times, from generation to generation. They tell of a significant Ice Age about 20,000 years ago (remember they have stories dating back almost 60,000 years). These stories are consistent, and never falter. And because of the accuracy of their stories – the scientists are now listening, and correlating their data, with the stories of the Aborignies, and you know what – they match up. Maybe we should pay attention too, and not so much to the media and the politicians with their hidden agendas.

Maybe that post I wrote several years ago, isn’t so far off, We Were Wrong.

11 replies »

  1. I’ve never been good at science and usually cannot stay focused on the topic, but I found this very interesting. I’ve known for a long time that global warming is not caused by humans (and cows farting, as I’ve heard, too). I’ve never done the in depth research you’ve done here, mostly because science is – yawn – but I did research a little. I had found that Greenland was named that because it was bursting with greenery in “warming years” and was known for its produce. Now it’s one of the colder places on our planet. Go figure, it’s been even warmer than this warming cycle that we’ve been in and the planet and humans survived.

    Thank you for sharing this. It’s a keeper.

    • Hi Lori – thanks so much for the comment. Hope things are well with you!!! Yes, writing this post really hurt my brain. Thanks to my Dad, who can rattle all of this information off, I was able to figure this out (actually just skimming the surface). But it seems to me, we are being fed so much garbage about global warming, and not really being given the facts. And do you know, at least this is what I discovered while doing this post, that there is not one scientist on the IPCC (The Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change) and on their website they clearly state they are the United Nations ” body for assessing the science related to climate change”. How they do that without any scientists? It’s a curious thing!!!

  2. I really enjoyed your post and found it very interesting. Just a few years back (ok maybe 10-15), I was reading about the possibility of a mini ice age due to some type of planetary cycle….then the media and global warming took hold….I have also thought “what changed”….I also remember much worse air quality. I do believe we need to protect our environment from a variety of contaminants, but the reality is…these cycles as you point out are natural and bigger than us…again….great post!

    • Thanks Kirt for the comment!!! I agree we still need to be stewards of our planet, and conserve our resources, and protect the forests. I still don’t understand why it is to the benefit of the politicians to push this man-made global warming thing, but I am sure it benefits them somehow!!!
      While I was researching all of this, I uncovered some other really interesting stuff. You know that poor starving Polar Bear floating around on that tiny, little piece of ice – that photo was completely photo-shopped and an outright fake. I felt so sorry for that Polar Bear!!! But it turns out the Polar Bear population is thriving – of course no one will tell you that – because it doesn’t fit in with the whole man-made global warming theory.

      • At the base of all of this is “control”…not sure of what or why and to what end, but control is driving the lies. Interesting, but not surprising feedback on the Polar Bear picture.

  3. Interesting! Hadn’t heard of sunspots before. I’ve wondered before whether it was a combination of things, man and nature. We drive a Prius, but it’s not about carbon foootprint so much as mileage. We live rural and have to drive over all of creation to go anywhere, so it adds up!

    • I had no idea before I did all this research and my Dad started talking about Maunder Minimums. I would think owning a Prius would save a lot of money doing the kind of driving you guys do. We have solar, which saves us some money, especially in the summer when it is so stinking hot here!!

      • The truck my husband had got such bad mileage that what we were paying for the truck + gas was more than a brand new car + gas. Crazy! We want to get solar panels one day, too.

  4. I remember when I was in high school in Florida and my teacher explained how the world was going to change in the next several decades. He said what was cold would be warm and what was warm would be cold.
    I have held onto his teaching as hope that the media is trying to scare us because fear is profitable.
    Let me know when your book is published. I loved reading other book.

    • Thank you for commenting. I have been in such a funk lately – but I feel the need to write coming back. And as far as global warming – it is hard to say who to believe but I did see an article published in Nature recently that said we could be in for some very big changes – not warming, but freezing because of the change in current flows. It will be interesting to see how the media back tracks on that one. Hope all is well with you, and you are safe and sound!!

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